ZOA presents
Dr. Samiel Edelman
There is an insidious movement underfoot on American campuses orchestrated by subversive, Palestinian groups and their far left adherents. it’s called the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Movement (BDS). Deceitfully cunning, it masks anti-Semitism in the guise of Anti-Zionism. Relatively unreported due to the fact that it mainly effects Jewish and Christian supporters of Israel, its stringent lack of toleration, and violent tactics are designed to intimidate dissenting opinions, ideas, and speakers offering opposing points of view. What could be more antithetical to our constitution and what we’ve come to believe in the United States?
There are a minority of vocal professors leading the fight against this scourge but are vastly outnumbered by others and school Administrations that turn a blind eye to the abridgment of basic, First Amendment Rights. People such as Professors Tammi Benjamin and Leila Beckworth at U.C.L.A. are in the forefront of this battle but none is more prestigious, vocal, and in the thick of things than our next speaker, Dr. Samuel Edelson.
Dr. Edelman will be appearing at the Chabad Jewish Center of Naples on: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 7:30 P.M.
For more information, contact: JerrySobel@aol.com