The JCRC’s primary mission is to promote and enhance the relationships between the Jewish community and the general community of Greater Naples. The JCRC participates in many programs with a number of groups with whom it collaborates, especially activities that promote religious freedom, separation of religion from government and social justice issues.
JCRC membership consist of representatives from Jewish organizations that serve our community as well as at-large members. The diversity of members enables the JCRC to represent the thinking of the Jewish community on social issues of community-wide interest.
In 2013, the Federation Board renamed the former Community Relations Committee (CRC) the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC). In addition, the membership of the newly created Council was expanded to include a greater number of representatives of other Jewish organizations within the Greater Naples. The purpose of these changes reflected a movement among JCRC's throughout the nation to achieve greater inclusiveness in membership, so that policy positions and actions of the Council reflect the thinking of the broadest possible spectrum of the Jewish community.
The JCRC’s primary mission is to promote and enhance the excellent relations that the Jewish community now has with the broader Naples and Collier County community. JCRC outreach, both within the Jewish and general communities, is intended to educate and inform by offering programs for the community on Jewish issues and experiences.
The JCRC monitors state and federal legislation and its effect on the Jewish community. It works in conjunction with other JCRC's throughout Florida on State issues, and with the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA), the national organization for JCRC's, on Federal and international issues affecting Jews throughout the nation and the world.
JCRC's originally arose from the need for Jewish security. While the need for protection from physical threats has been greatly reduced, we continue to address more subtle security issues. The JCRC promotes separation of religion from government and public schools, provides programs on the Holocaust and anti-Semitism, and promotes religious freedom.
The JCRC sponsors several events during Florida Jewish History Month, including the annual JCRC/Friends of the Library of Collier County Naples Klezmer Revival Band Concert and the annual UN Holocaust Remembrance Observance- Yom HaShoah, held at a local synagogue or church, featuring local clergy, a guest speaker and musical performances.
The JCRC also presents a major community event each year.
For more information on JCRC, please contact Jeff Zalasky, Chair of JCRC here.
Anti Semitism Task Force
If you hear something or see something, please share it with us. Click here to send an email or call our office at 239-263-4205.
Several years ago the Federation Board and the JCRC established a “Fund for Human Needs” to recognize organizations for their generous spirit and service to the entire community. It was another way for Jews in Collier County, as represented by their Federation, to practice tikkun olam, “bettering the world.”
Grants have been made to the Harry Chapin Food Bank, Catholic Charities, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Collier Council on Aging, NAACP Collier Branch, Collier County Education Foundation, Redlands Christian Association Literacy Program, the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile, Baby Basics, Bedtime Bundles, Shelter for Abused Women and Children, and the Senior Friendship Health Center.
Annual Stand Up For Justice Educator Award
In 2011, the Jewish Community Relations Council established an Educator Grant Award to recognize middle school and high school teachers, librarians, media specialists, guidance counselors and administrators who demonstrate outstanding, unique and replicable education initiatives countering bigotry and bullying.
Nominees’ lessons or activities must be of their own design or adaptations from other programs, and should be able to show evidence of a positive nature as a result of implementation. These lessons or activities should teach students to stand up for justice no matter what religious, racial, cultural or other differences exist.
The Catholic-Jewish Dialogue (CJD) of Collier County’s purpose is to engage Catholics and Jews in understanding our long history and to advance the cause of mutual understanding and appreciation for our differences as well as our commonalities. The CJD holds a series of lectures and sponsors several events including the annual Kristallnacht Memorial Program.
Jewish Community Day of Learning
The mission of this program aspires to celebrate Jewish life and learning, connecting Jews of all backgrounds to their Jewish heritage. Learn about the Jewish experience from the perspectives of our presenters.
We thank the JCRC of Minnesota and the Dakotas for generously sharing their artwork.