We offer an array of great programs for families. Monthly mom’s night out gathering through our newly launched JeWEL Society, PJ Library for Families of 0-9 and more!


We are thrilled to announce the launch of the JeWEL Society for moms in the Greater Naples area!

The JeWEL Society has been formed to encourage support for the activities of PJ Library, PJ Our Way, and BBYO. With this launch we hope to engage a new generation of future leaders. “JeWEL” is an acronym for “Jewish Women Emerging Leaders,” selected by the founders to embody the philanthropic endeavor of our valued members who are taking personal responsibility for the continuity of Jewish identity in our community.

With gifts to the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, JeWEL Society members take the lead in ensuring a vibrant Jewish community in Naples for generations to come. A gift of $118.00 allows us to reach local families, enriching their lives with Jewish books, camp scholarships, trips to Israel, college scholarships, and local family programming and outreach.

Women who contribute $118.00 to the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples Annual Community Campaign, will become a member of the JeWEL Society. Founding members will receive an exclusive Elyse Ryan bracelet and invitations to JeWEL Society social events like our fantastic moms’ nights out and future service projects.

"I love the idea of engaging a diverse group of women in philanthropic endeavors and encouraging them to support and strengthen Jewish life through outreach events and community wide programs. I am so excited to be a part of this powerful and passionate group of women here in the Greater Naples area!" - Susan Solomon, JeWEL Society founding member.

Don't miss this opportunity to become a founding member today!

Click to email Alexandra


PJ Library is for families of 0-9 year olds to foster the joy and developmental importance of reading. We also offer monthly programs for young families and their children to have fun together.


But finding the right books and making the time to read as a family can be hard. That’s where PJ Library comes in. 

PJ Library sends free Jewish children's books to families across the world every month. We know that something magical happens when parents sit down together to read with their children. PJ Library shares Jewish stories that can help your family talk together about values and traditions that are important to you. 

A program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, PJ Library is made possible through partnerships with philanthropists and local Jewish organizations. Families raising kids from birth through 9 years old with Judaism as part of their lives, are welcome to sign up. PJ Library welcomes all Jewish families, whatever your background, knowledge, or family make-up, or observance may be. 

Through our partners around North America, we also offer activities for your family — because you’ve got to get out of the house and meet new people sometimes.

Your children are learning about the world around them through the stories they hear. PJ Library books can bring Jewish ideas and inspiration for you and your children to share together.


You can even get $100 from PJ Library North America by hosting a get together! Here's how: Get Together | PJ Library.



Pj Our Way is the next chapter of PJ Library for kids ages 9-12.  It is available free of charge throughout the U.S. and Canada to families raising Jewish children.  Every month, kids can come to this site to choose the book they want to receive.  Kids can also submit reviews and videos about the books.  Click the button to sign up today!



Grandparents play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren. They pass down tradition and heritage through the values they’ve taught their children and the family history they share with future generations. PJ Library Grandparents has resources to help you support your grandkid(s) on their Jewish journeys. No matter where your grandkids live, click the button below to register today.

Get in Touch

To learn more about PJ Library, please contact Amber Ferren by clicking the button below.

Like PJ Library on Facebook


Stay in the loop and get updates on PJ Library of Greater Naples by liking and following us on Facebook! 



If you, or someone you know, is interested in becoming a PJ Library Spotlight Family please let us know! Email Amber, PJ Library Coordinator at programs@jewishnaples.org.

PJOW Guest Spotlight, Noah Benitez, May 2023


A Book Review by Noah Benitez:

Noah is in 7th grade at Naples Classical Academy.  He loves to make YouTube videos, play soccer, and play guitar.  Noah also practices kung fu martial arts. Noah will be having his Bar Mitzvah May 2033.  This is review, in his own words, of one of his most recent favorite PJ Our Way books.

I really like getting PJ library books in the mail.  One of my favorite books is "Out of Egypt" by Rabbi Moshe Moscowitz because I had a lot of fun reading it.  This book is a graphic novel of the whole story of Passover.  It is cool to read the story and see all the pictures of what happens.  The story starts before Moses was born and shows how he was saved.  Then it shows how he became the leader of the Jews.  Next it shows the ten plagues and how Pharaoh finally let the Jews leave Egypt.  The book ends with them crossing the Sea of Reeds and being saved from the Egyptians.

PJL Family Spotlight, the Rosens, April 2023


Alex & Jessica Rosen, and their two children Ella (9) and Sydney (7)

Meet the Rosen Family 

Q: Tell me about the Rosen family.

A:  We are Alex & Jessica.  We have two children Ella (9) and Sydney (7).  Our Family has resided in Naples for the last nine years.


Q: What do you think about the quality of PJ Library books?

A: Both kids get excited to open their PJ library envelopes. We have loved several of the picture books as the girls have grown up. The quality is great!  We love that the books include Jewish themes and are fun to read and make it into our regular book rotation.


Q: What are some of the family’s favorite PJ Library books?

A: That’s a tough question for us!  So many PJ Library books are special to us for different reasons.  But if we must narrow it down, we decided on three.

Ella and Sydney love “Tea With Zayde” by Barney Saltzberg. The girls call Jessica’s Father Zayde, so it’s special because there aren’t too many stories with Zayde in the title. 

Jessica went to elementary school with the author of “No Baths at Camp” by Tamar Fox. So, we are partial to that one too!

As a speech therapist, Jessica often uses “I can Help”  by David Hyde Costello with her students. It was a favorite with the kids when they were younger, and she has since integrated it into her work.


Q: Are you involved in the Jewish community in Naples? If so, how?

A:  We are members of Temple Shalom, where our kids attend Sunday school. Jessica is on the board and teaches the 6th grade at YeSH.  We do enjoy events at the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples like the Matzah Ball and the PJ Library Playdates.


Q: A lot of parents say they feel PJ books help them raise good kids. Do you feel that way? Please explain.

A: We do think PJ library books help us raise good kids because they are driven by our Jewish values. Overall, they are a wonderful tool to help children learn about being Jewish with doing Mitzvot as a central part of that. 

They also help reinforce a love of reading and the value of family time, especially when the kids were younger, and we sat and read them together before bedtime. 

In Sydney’s own words “I love reading books so so so much!”                            

Thank you, PJ Library, for your part in giving her that gift!

PJL Family Spotlight, the Whites, March 2023


Rebecca and Paul White and their two sons, Jonah (3), and Benjamin (8 months). 

Meet the White Family

 Q: What are the names of the family members? 

A: We are Rebecca and Paul White. We have two sons, Jonah (3), and Benjamin (8 months). 

Q: What’s it like on the day PJ Library books arrive?

A: It is very exciting when the book arrives. Jonah loves that he is getting something in the mail for him and it is usually the first book we read at bedtime that night. 

Q: What do you think about the quality of PJ Library books? What do you like about PJ Library books?

A: We think that the quality of the books is excellent. We especially love the ones about the holidays and Jewish values. Our son gets excited reading the books on topics that he is already familiar with as he can participate in the story more. More importantly, we love that the books offer an introduction to the lesser-known holidays at an earlier age before more formal religious school education. We as parents are learning alongside our son, it has been wonderful reading and learning together as a family. 

 Q: How long have you been in Naples?

A: After living in NYC for years, we lived briefly in Southern California before moving to Naples in the spring of 2021 to be closer to family. 

 Q: Are you involved in the Jewish community in Naples? Do you belong to a synagogue? 

A: While we are not currently members, our son is a student at Temple Shalom Preschool, and he absolutely loves it! He has been thriving more than we could have ever hoped for. Rebecca is also the teacher for the school's Baby and Me program. We also enjoy attending many of the events held by the synagogue and preschool such as Friday Family Shabbat and Shabbat ShaPlay. We hope to become temple members in the very near future.  

PJOW Guest Spotlight, Rachel Saks, February 2023


 Rachel is an 8th grade student at The Community School of Naples

A Book Review by Rachel Saks: 37 Days at Sea


       Ruthie Arons is a 12-year-old girl that boards the M.S. St. Luis in hopes of getting away from the Nazis and moving to the United States with her parents.  After a problem on their stop to Cuba, they had to unfortunately go back to Europe. Everyone on the ship had to go back to where Hitler was destroying their homes. Ruthie and her best friend Wolfie had to go through separation from family, the Nazis, and being abroad a ship for 37 days. 

        I would encourage kids to read this non-violent book because it teaches children about being brave, caring about others, and doing the right thing. Ruthie was brave when her father had to be in the ship's committee, and also, she had to be brave when she saw a Nazi spy on board, and finally, she had to be brave when she couldn’t get into Cuba. I liked this book because it talked about teenagers stuck on a ship trying to get away from the troubles that Hitler and the Nazis were causing. They ended up being separated when Ruthie was going to England and Wolfie was going to France. This book is fun to read with others, and a great courage builder. No matter how young, you can always do the right thing​.

PJL Family Spotlight, the Cohens, January 2023


Kyle & Rachel Cohen and their two children Eli (10) and Sarah (7).

Meet the Cohen Family


Q: Tell me about the Cohen family.

A: We are Kyle & Rachel Cohen.  We have two children Eli (10) and Sarah (7).


Q: Are you involved in the Jewish community in Naples?

A: As a couple, we have lived in the Southwest Florida area for about 14 years.  However, Temple Shalom has played an important role in our lives well before then.  Rachel grew up in Naples and was a member of Temple Shalom since Middle School.  Kyle’s family came to Naples, when his mother, Lori, took the position of executive director at Temple Shalom.  In fact, we were married at Temple Shalom before relocating to the area.  Now, it is a big part of our life.  Kyle serves on the board and both our kids are both attending Religious School (YeSH).  We are also part of an active Chavurah. 


Q: What’s it like on the day PJ Library books arrive?

A: We love it when a PJ library book arrives in the mail.  It is one of the few pieces of mail that the kids open themselves.  They know what the envelope looks like and are always excited to see what is inside!


Q: You have a child who recently “graduated” from PJ Library to PJ Our Way.  How is he enjoying the experience?

A: Eli loves that he is now old enough to choose his own books.  It’s like going to a bookstore every month and knowing he will be reading something educational and in line with our traditions.  In his own words: I seriously endorse them for anybody.  They are amazing.” – Eli (10)


Q: What do you think about the quality of PJ Library books?

A: The books are great.  Every one of them we received has been the perfect combination of educational, informative, and fun.  They are a great way to educate children about Jewish beliefs and traditions. PJ Library books play an important role in our household as a wonderful supplement to what they are learning in Religious School (YeSH).  Also, even though our son and daughter generally have very different interests, they both enjoy learning about Judaism through PJ Library books.


Q: What is the bedtime routine at your house?

A: Every night before bed, we read the kids a book.  If a PJ Library book was in the mail, the kids usually want to read that one before bed.  Although, it may not be the most educational, the kids love the story of “The Runaway Latke” by Leslie Kimmelman.  We read it multiple times especially before Hanukkah