
19 2014

Hunger Games pre-screening: An event for Hunger Awareness

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Contact Skylar Haas

Naples BBYO is hosting a pre-screening of Hunger Games to raise awareness for hunger. This movie is coupled with a month-long canned food drive, benefitting the JFCS Food Pantry. Tickets are $13, along with 2 non-perishable food items. Tickets are available online via:

The event is open to the entire community, all ages.

This event is sponsored by BBYO and Jewish Family & Community Services, along with WCA, MCA, Jewish Federations of Collier, Lee, & Charlotte Counties, FGCU Hillel, the Holocaust Museum, Temple Shalom One Family, Chabad Naples, Beth Tikvah and Hollywood 20 Theaters. For more information contact Skylar Haas,